Work Package 5 - Educational achievements and needs of children with Congenital Anomalies
To expand the knowledge on the educational achievements and needs of children with specific congenital anomalies and to provide predictions of their future needs.
Description of Work and Role of Partners
This Work Package will be led by Professor Judith Rankin (UNEW) and Dr. Amanda Neville (UNIFE).
The specific tasks are to:
- Identify the data available on education across countries of Europe and address issues in combining it. (UNIFE) - See Report
- Determine the educational achievements and needs of children born with a congenital anomaly by congenital anomaly subgroup (UNEW)
- Evaluate if educational achievements and needs are associated with clinical (the use of anaesthesia, surgery, days spent in hospital) and sociodemographic factors (gender, maternal age, socioeconomic status) (UNEW)
- To undertake statistical modelling of data to provide predictions of the number of children with congenital anomalies across Europe under 11 with congenital anomalies who will have specific educational needs (UNEW)
For each task the lead partner (UNEW) will be responsible for completing literature reviews on the topic, designing study protocols, organising subgroup meetings, receiving data from WP2 Central Results Repository, analysing data, discussing the results with colleagues from the School of Environment, Education and Development at the University of Manchester, and writing final reports/scientific papers.
Each partner/registry is responsible for performing local analyses and aggregating the data, sending the results to the Central Results Repository, and taking part in a discussion of results and commenting on drafts of each paper. Analysis will be done for standard EUROCAT subgroups of specific congenital anomalies (examples spina bifida, Tetralogy of Fallot, esophageal atresia, Downs syndrome).
WP5 Team