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Direct link to this page: http://www.EUROlinkCAT.eu/publications

Below is a list of the academic journal publications from the EUROlinkCAT Project. Please click on the title of the paper to be taken to the abstract, lay summary and link to the journal article.

Working title

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WP1 Protocol Paper EUROlinkCAT protocol for a European population-based data linkage study investigating the survival, morbidity and education of children with congenital anomalies

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WP2 Linkage Paper Linking a European cohort of children born with congenital anomalies to vital statistics and mortality records: A EUROlinkCAT study

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WP3 Systematic Review Long-term survival of children born with congenital anomalies: A systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies
WP3 10-year Survival Ten-year survival of children with congenital anomalies: a European cohort study
WP3 Rare Structural Survival Survival of children with rare structural congenital anomalies: a multi-registry cohort study
WP3 Temporal and Geographical Variations Temporal and geographical variations in survival of children born with congenital anomalies in Europe: A multi-registry cohort study
WP3 Trisomy 13 and 18 Ten-year survival of children with trisomy 13 or trisomy 18: a multi-registry
European cohort study

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WP4 Cardiac Medications Prescription of cardiovascular medication in children with congenital heart defects across six European Regions from 2000 to 2014: data from the EUROlinkCAT population-based cohort study
WP4 Feeding Tubes Gastrostomy and congenital anomalies: a European population-based study
WP4 Length of Stay
Hospital length of stay among children with and without congenital anomalies across 11 European regions—A population-based data linkage study
WP4 Preterm medications Preterm birth and prescriptions for cardiovascular, antiseizure, antibiotics and anti-asthmatic medicine in children up to ten years of age: A population-based data linkage cohort study across six European regions
WP4 Insulin Prescriptions for insulin and insulin analogues in children with and without major congenital anomalies: a data linkage cohort study across six European regions
WP4 Length of Stay: Rare anomalies Hospital Length of Stay and Surgery among European Children with Rare Structural Congenital Anomalies—A Population-Based Data Linkage Study
WP4 Surgery European study showed that children with congenital anomalies often underwent multiple surgical procedures at different ages across Europe
WP4 Pierre Robin
Survival, hospitalisation and surgery in children born with Pierre Robin sequence: a European population-based cohort study

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WP5 Systematic Review Academic achievement and needs of school-aged children born with selected congenital anomalies: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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WP6 Live Births Paper Accuracy of congenital anomaly coding in live birth children recorded in European health care databases, a EUROlinkCAT study
WP6 TOPFA Paper The quality and the accuracy of codes for terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomalies recorded in hospital databases in three countries in northern Europe

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WP8 Focus Groups
The Voice of Parents of Children With a Congenital Anomaly - A EUROlinkCAT Study
WP8 COVID-19 COVID-19 and children with congenital anomalies: a European survey of parents’ experiences of healthcare services
WP8 Information Needs Information needs of parents of children with congenital anomalies across Europe: a EUROlinkCAT survey